Could I make a suggestion?

A proposal for a New Barrier (Wall)      
ニューバリア (壁) 提案
It has a synergistic effect both mentally and materially and economically, and it is a high productivity Wall (Mexico–United States barrier).


How to see this presentation  (このプレゼンテーションの見方)
Please select your favorite song. (Select one carefully)  Please click on that song and watch the movie.  (好きな音楽を選択してクリックしてください。 ビデオプレゼンテーションが始まります)

“Note:” [Precautions]  this content is still in the preliminaryphase. We would like it if you did not make it public a big way. (for music, idea) 

Never ending story
平和の鐘が鳴る - Southernallstars サザンオールスターズ

The dream monuments of human race that will be the legacy of this century
For pioneering the future of thousands of years


watching till the end