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Proposed contents of UNIVERSALSHOT
We propose the UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration to mark the end of the war. We have drafted a plan that we are presenting as the UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration, a new industrial plan and cathedral construction project that we have been proposing for some time. To end the conflict, we must step into a state of forgiveness."love of forgiving" is the higher religious love, and it is not easy. It is a higher love than “love of loving." The frictions between nations will have to be agreed upon one by one through the development of a system that brings together the ideals and beliefs of each other. However, I believe that the process was exceeded at once by the MOON SHOOT announced by President Kennedy in the past. It leaped the perspective from the immediate problem to the moon and focused the direction of the American public's mind on one thing. It did not simply initiate a new plan. By letting go of all of the unforgivable conflicts, it freed itself and the United States succeeded in taking a new step forward for humanity.
終戦の節目に UNIVERSALSHOT (ユニバーサルショット)宣言をご提案いたします。私たちは、以前からご提案しておりました 新産業プランと大聖堂建設のプロジェクトUNIVERSALSHOT 宣言として発表するプランを立案しました。争いを終えるには、許しの境地に踏み込まなければなりません。”許す愛”とは、宗教的な高次の愛であり、決して容易ではありません。それは”愛する愛”を上回る高貴な愛です。国家間の軋轢は、互いの思想・信条を結びつけ合うシステムを整備して、一つ一つ合意しなければならないでしょう。しかし、そのプロセスを一気に超えたのが、かつてケネディ大統領の発表されたMOONSHOT(ムーンショット)でもあったのではないでしょうか。視点を目前の問題から月へと飛躍させ、米国の国民の心の方向性を一心に集中させました。それは、単に新たなプランを開始したのではありません。許しがたい葛藤の全てを手放した事で自らを解放し、米国は人類の新たな一歩を踏み出す事に成功したのです。
This proposal does not seek to favor only Ukraine and Russia, but the love of God in truth. In particular, the lifting of economic sanctions as proposed by UNIVERSALSHOT 1 would restore stability not only to Russia, but to the entire world. There is no doubt that the economic collapse of a country will have a greater impact than the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which was caused by a single company. Even if we try to suppress other countries and protect our own, the waves that occur in this interconnected world will cascade and will never be quieted. It will collapse the balance of the world by itself. Now, I would like to ask you to guide these two proposals with your divine love. We ask you to bring about global prosperity and usher in the cosmic age. Together with nations and peoples who believe in the existence of the Messiah and share a sense of mission for the creation of God's love.... Let the circle of happiness be eternal.... The UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration will then be more than just a performance or a ceremony. It will become a higher energy that will truly create the future. And we will have moved on from the MOONSHOT of the past.
本ご提案では、ウクライナあるいはロシアのみを優遇しようとするのではなく、真実の神の愛を求めています。特に UNIVERSALSHOT 1のご提案により、経済制裁が解除されることは、ロシアだけでなく世界中が安定を取り戻す事になるでしょう。一国の経済崩壊は、一企業から起こったリーマンショック以上の影響をもたらすことは間違いありません。他国を抑え、自国を守ろうとしても、つながりあるこの世界で起きた波は連鎖し、静まることはないでしょう。世界の均衡を自ら崩壊させてしまう事になります。今、この2つのご提案を皆様の神聖な愛によって導いていただきたいと思います。地球規模の繁栄をもたらし宇宙時代を拓いていただきたいのです。メシアの存在を信じ、神の愛の創造への使命感を共有する国や人々と共に・・・。幸福の輪を未来永劫に・・・。この真実の愛の力が、この UNIVERSALSHOT 宣言を、単なるパフォーマンスやセレモニーにとどめることはないでしょう。真に未来を創造する高次なエネルギーになっていくでしょう。そしてかつてのMOONSHOTをも超えてゆくでしょう。
We propose the UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration to mark the end of the war. We have drafted a plan that we are presenting as the UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration, a new industrial plan and cathedral construction project that we have been proposing for some time. To end the conflict, we must step into a state of forgiveness."love of forgiving" is the higher religious love, and it is not easy. It is a higher love than “love of loving." The frictions between nations will have to be agreed upon one by one through the development of a system that brings together the ideals and beliefs of each other. However, I believe that the process was exceeded at once by the MOON SHOOT announced by President Kennedy in the past. It leaped the perspective from the immediate problem to the moon and focused the direction of the American public's mind on one thing. It did not simply initiate a new plan. By letting go of all of the unforgivable conflicts, it freed itself and the United States succeeded in taking a new step forward for humanity.
終戦の節目に UNIVERSALSHOT (ユニバーサルショット)宣言をご提案いたします。私たちは、以前からご提案しておりました 新産業プランと大聖堂建設のプロジェクトUNIVERSALSHOT 宣言として発表するプランを立案しました。争いを終えるには、許しの境地に踏み込まなければなりません。”許す愛”とは、宗教的な高次の愛であり、決して容易ではありません。それは”愛する愛”を上回る高貴な愛です。国家間の軋轢は、互いの思想・信条を結びつけ合うシステムを整備して、一つ一つ合意しなければならないでしょう。しかし、そのプロセスを一気に超えたのが、かつてケネディ大統領の発表されたMOONSHOT(ムーンショット)でもあったのではないでしょうか。視点を目前の問題から月へと飛躍させ、米国の国民の心の方向性を一心に集中させました。それは、単に新たなプランを開始したのではありません。許しがたい葛藤の全てを手放した事で自らを解放し、米国は人類の新たな一歩を踏み出す事に成功したのです。
This proposal does not seek to favor only Ukraine and Russia, but the love of God in truth. In particular, the lifting of economic sanctions as proposed by UNIVERSALSHOT 1 would restore stability not only to Russia, but to the entire world. There is no doubt that the economic collapse of a country will have a greater impact than the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which was caused by a single company. Even if we try to suppress other countries and protect our own, the waves that occur in this interconnected world will cascade and will never be quieted. It will collapse the balance of the world by itself. Now, I would like to ask you to guide these two proposals with your divine love. We ask you to bring about global prosperity and usher in the cosmic age. Together with nations and peoples who believe in the existence of the Messiah and share a sense of mission for the creation of God's love.... Let the circle of happiness be eternal.... The UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration will then be more than just a performance or a ceremony. It will become a higher energy that will truly create the future. And we will have moved on from the MOONSHOT of the past.
本ご提案では、ウクライナあるいはロシアのみを優遇しようとするのではなく、真実の神の愛を求めています。特に UNIVERSALSHOT 1のご提案により、経済制裁が解除されることは、ロシアだけでなく世界中が安定を取り戻す事になるでしょう。一国の経済崩壊は、一企業から起こったリーマンショック以上の影響をもたらすことは間違いありません。他国を抑え、自国を守ろうとしても、つながりあるこの世界で起きた波は連鎖し、静まることはないでしょう。世界の均衡を自ら崩壊させてしまう事になります。今、この2つのご提案を皆様の神聖な愛によって導いていただきたいと思います。地球規模の繁栄をもたらし宇宙時代を拓いていただきたいのです。メシアの存在を信じ、神の愛の創造への使命感を共有する国や人々と共に・・・。幸福の輪を未来永劫に・・・。この真実の愛の力が、この UNIVERSALSHOT 宣言を、単なるパフォーマンスやセレモニーにとどめることはないでしょう。真に未来を創造する高次なエネルギーになっていくでしょう。そしてかつてのMOONSHOTをも超えてゆくでしょう。
The Messiah, Ryuho Okawa, who was contemporary born on earth, said the following.
"You are about to be revealed for the first time in history as to who you are. (omission) This universe is really made up of invisible things. The universe is made up of spiritual beings. What is the true nature and essence of the spiritual beings? I would like to tell you that it is "love". The universe was created by God's love. There are living things in various galaxies and planetary systems, including the earth, including human beings, animals, plants, and various other living things, but the love of God resides in all things. Even though I cannot show it to you with your eyes, you can feel my words in your hearts. There must be such a place. Why can you feel it? Because God's love dwells within you. That is why I say that human beings are children of God." From "The Power to Spread Love," a major lecture at El Cantare Festival, December 7, 2017
「・・・皆様は、自分とは何者であるかということを、今初めて歴史上明らかにされようとしているんですよ。(中略) この宇宙は本当は目に見えるものではなく目に見えないものによって出来上がっています。その目に見えないものは何であるかというと霊的なる存在です。霊的なるもので様々なものが出来上がっております。その霊的なるものの正体、本質とは何であるか。と言えば、それは愛であると、私はあなた方に伝えたい。宇宙は神の愛によって創られたのです。また、地球を含む様々な銀河系、惑星系の中において生きているもの、人類型や動物型や様々な植物型や様々な生き物がおりますけれども、万象万物すべてに神の愛が宿っています。あなた方に目に見せることが出来なくても、あなた方の心の中には私の言葉が感じられる。そういうところがあるはずです。なぜ感じられるか? あなた方の内に、神の愛が宿っているからです。 それを私は人間は神の子だと言っているのです。」 2017年12月7日エル・カンターレ祭大講演会「愛を広げる力」より
Many of you already know about strenuous effort in Ukraine. Here we would like to focus a little on Russia. At the root of Russia's fight was the conviction to eradicate genocide against Ukrainians of Russian descent and to keep the peace. The truth is sometimes hidden in a corner of the world, making it so difficult to see hope; the Genocide, which affected as many as 15,000 people, has been completely erased. The world media led humanity in supporting the Ukrainian side. But even in that darkness, the light of justice, patience, and love of the Russian people did not disappear. One by one, the people of the country withstood the condemnation and indiscriminate sanctions attacks from many countries. The soldiers who stood up fought bravely and did justice. The government took measures to minimize the harm to Ukrainian civilians and further advanced efforts for a cease-fire. Each of these facts has been conveyed to us by the courageous people of Ukraine. Please use the subtitle translation function to view. → https://youtu.be/8mY7E_Zjkjw
It may take some time for the truth to reveal itself and be understood. To reflect on the ego that hides behind common sense and to liberate oneself, a perspective of "love of forgiving" and "love of being" is necessary. This will be a great ordeal for Ukraine, which has lost many lives, and for Russia, which has forgiven and overcome the genocide. However, hatred cannot be solved with hatred. It is said that hatred can only be overcome by love.
多くの人々がすでにウクライナの砕身をご存知でしょう。 ここでは、ロシアに少し焦点を当てたいと思います。ロシアの戦いの根底には、ロシア系ウクライナ人へのジェノサイドを撲滅し、平和を守りぬく信念がありました。真実は時として世界の片隅に隠され、希望を見失うほどの困難をもたらします。1万5000人もの被害をもたらしたジェノサイドは、完全に消されてしまいました。世界のメディアは人類を率いてウクライナ側を支援しました。しかしその暗闇の中でも、ロシアの人々の正義と忍耐、愛の光は消えることがありませんでした。一人一人の国民が各国からの非難と、無差別な制裁攻撃に耐えました。立ち上がった軍の兵士は勇敢に戦い正義を貫きました。政府はウクライナの民間人の被害を最小限に抑える戦法を取り、更に停戦への努力を進めました。その一つ一つの事実が、ウクライナの勇気ある人々からも、伝えられてきました。字幕翻訳機能を使ってご覧ください。→ https://youtu.be/8mY7E_Zjkjw
Now, in order to take a step further from mankind's landing on the moon and open up the space age, we would like to turn our attention to the energy of spiritual divine love, which is the source of the creation of the universe. This cannot be obtained by robbing other countries or other people, or by making full use of technology and spending money and goods. Humanity has made these mistakes through the evolution of scientific civilization. Everything will be alive when the energy of spiritual divine love is poured into the evolved civilization. It will become not just a thing, but the energy itself, in which love dwells and circulates. We are moving forward from a material civilization overflowing with things to an "age of spirituality" in which transparent love circulates. The religious truths of the new age, guided by the Messiah of the Earth, will open the cosmic age and spark a renaissance of the universe. And humanity will carve a new story in the magnificent history of the universe over the next 100 billion years.
今、人類の月面着陸から更に一歩を進め、宇宙時代を拓いていく為に、宇宙の創造の源泉である霊的な神の愛のエネルギーに意識を向けていきたいと思います。それは他国や他者から奪う事、あるいはテクノロジーを駆使し、物やお金をつぎ込んでも得ることは出来ません。科学文明の進化によって人類はこうした間違いを犯してきました。進化した文明の中に、霊的な神の愛のエネルギーが注がれることで、すべてのものが生きていきます。それは単なる物ではなく、そこに愛が宿り、循環するエネルギーそのものになっていきます。物で溢れた物質文明から透明性の高い愛が循環する”霊性の時代”へと前進していきます。地球のメシアの導く新時代の宗教的真理を生かしていくことは、宇宙時代を拓き、大宇宙のルネッサンスをも巻き起こしていくことでしょう。そして人類は新たなストーリー を、1千億年の壮大な宇宙史に刻んでゆくことでしょう。
We ask you to choose between the following two proposals. Both plans are open to all nations to participate. However, for the first, the lifting of sanctions is a condition for participation. We hope that as many people, country as possible will shine as the main actors who beautifully embody the energy of God's creation.
A new industrial plan and cathedral construction project
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As soon as you press the play button, zoom in on the screen. (The best size is the one where the text in the center doesn't disappear)
Proposed contents of UNIVERSALSHOT 1
✳︎The content can be simple or can be separated from events. Please consider the date and time of the end of the war as a priority.
Proposal 1: If an agreement is reached to end the war with Ukraine → the declaration will be a tie-up declaration with each country.
We will ask the country(s) that agree with the idea of God's creation of this project to express the part A: by arbitration and announce it. In the unlikely event that there is no country that can arbitrate the "A:" part, we will do it.
Announcement: UNIVERSALSHOT International Declaration (official event)
Location: Near the Russian-Ukrainian border (to be determined by Russia and Ukraine)
Date and time: To be determined by Russia and Ukraine and participating countries (a few days to a few months after the announcement of the end of the war for preparation)
Theme: UNIVERSALSHOT - Awakening from Forgiving Love to Love of Being to Open the Cosmic Age
Description: A celebration of love and peace to celebrate the start of a new cosmic age.
The event will be held as a charity event with a sense of unity through the UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration, music and dance.
Kick-off of the project to build a cathedral based on the concept of God's creation connecting 1000 years of time with the message of the Messiah.
Conditions for participation: End of war between Ukraine and Russia, lifting of sanctions imposed by their countries.
Offer: UNIVERSALSHOT 1 content and event planning / New Industry Creation Plan provided free of charge to all participating countries / Elieux Eco-Level License provided to Russia and Ukraine (contract fee to be paid separately)
Concessions: This tie-up does not include the transfer of concessions. The concession will be managed through the creation of an organization to protect the Earth's heritage.
Invitation of participating countries: Invitation on the part of Ukraine and Event audience: Russian, Ukrainian, and other countries who wish to participate
Rental fee: 10,000$ for planning and preparation / 200,000$ for project tie-up / Total: 210,000$ (per country)
Decision: Decided upon completion of delivery of part of the rental fee of 10,000$ (to be received in Euro)
Event organization fee Event management: We can help you with planning and direction if you are in a place where you can enter.
提案1:ウクライナとの終戦の合意に至る場合 → 各国とのタイアップ宣言とする
本プロジェクトの神の創造の理念に賛同いただける国(複数可)の仲裁によりA:の箇所を表明頂き、発表。 万が一 A:の箇所の仲裁国がない場合は、こちらでさせていただきます。
発表:UNIVERSALSHOT インターナショナル宣言(公式イベント)
テーマ:UNIVERSALSHOT ー宇宙時代を拓く許す愛から存在の愛への覚醒ー
UNIVERSALSHOT 宣言と音楽・ダンスに よる一体感のあるチャリティーイベントとして開催。
メシアのメッセージとともに1000年の時をつなぐ神の 創造をコンセプトとした大聖堂建設のプロジェクトのキックオフを行う。
提供:UNIVERSALSHOT 1の内容とイベントの企画 / 全参加国に新産業創造プランを無償提供 / ロシア・ ウクライナにエリュー・エコ・レベルライセンスの提供 (契約料は別途支払い)
参加国の招待:ウクライナ・ロシア側で招待 イべントオーディエンス:ロシア・ウクライナ及び各国の参加希望者
企画使用料:企画・作成費10,000$ / プロジェクトタイアップ料200,000$ / Total:210,000$(1カ国につき)
イベント開催費:ロシア・ウクライナにて準備・決定 イベント運営:代理店等に依頼(入国可能な場所でしたら企画ディレクションをお手伝いいたします。)
Proposal 1: If an agreement is reached to end the war with Ukraine → the declaration will be a tie-up declaration with each country.
We will ask the country(s) that agree with the idea of God's creation of this project to express the part A: by arbitration and announce it. In the unlikely event that there is no country that can arbitrate the "A:" part, we will do it.
Announcement: UNIVERSALSHOT International Declaration (official event)
Location: Near the Russian-Ukrainian border (to be determined by Russia and Ukraine)
Date and time: To be determined by Russia and Ukraine and participating countries (a few days to a few months after the announcement of the end of the war for preparation)
Theme: UNIVERSALSHOT - Awakening from Forgiving Love to Love of Being to Open the Cosmic Age
Description: A celebration of love and peace to celebrate the start of a new cosmic age.
The event will be held as a charity event with a sense of unity through the UNIVERSALSHOT Declaration, music and dance.
Kick-off of the project to build a cathedral based on the concept of God's creation connecting 1000 years of time with the message of the Messiah.
Conditions for participation: End of war between Ukraine and Russia, lifting of sanctions imposed by their countries.
Offer: UNIVERSALSHOT 1 content and event planning / New Industry Creation Plan provided free of charge to all participating countries / Elieux Eco-Level License provided to Russia and Ukraine (contract fee to be paid separately)
Concessions: This tie-up does not include the transfer of concessions. The concession will be managed through the creation of an organization to protect the Earth's heritage.
Invitation of participating countries: Invitation on the part of Ukraine and Event audience: Russian, Ukrainian, and other countries who wish to participate
Rental fee: 10,000$ for planning and preparation / 200,000$ for project tie-up / Total: 210,000$ (per country)
Decision: Decided upon completion of delivery of part of the rental fee of 10,000$ (to be received in Euro)
Event organization fee Event management: We can help you with planning and direction if you are in a place where you can enter.
提案1:ウクライナとの終戦の合意に至る場合 → 各国とのタイアップ宣言とする
本プロジェクトの神の創造の理念に賛同いただける国(複数可)の仲裁によりA:の箇所を表明頂き、発表。 万が一 A:の箇所の仲裁国がない場合は、こちらでさせていただきます。
発表:UNIVERSALSHOT インターナショナル宣言(公式イベント)
テーマ:UNIVERSALSHOT ー宇宙時代を拓く許す愛から存在の愛への覚醒ー
UNIVERSALSHOT 宣言と音楽・ダンスに よる一体感のあるチャリティーイベントとして開催。
メシアのメッセージとともに1000年の時をつなぐ神の 創造をコンセプトとした大聖堂建設のプロジェクトのキックオフを行う。
提供:UNIVERSALSHOT 1の内容とイベントの企画 / 全参加国に新産業創造プランを無償提供 / ロシア・ ウクライナにエリュー・エコ・レベルライセンスの提供 (契約料は別途支払い)
参加国の招待:ウクライナ・ロシア側で招待 イべントオーディエンス:ロシア・ウクライナ及び各国の参加希望者
企画使用料:企画・作成費10,000$ / プロジェクトタイアップ料200,000$ / Total:210,000$(1カ国につき)
イベント開催費:ロシア・ウクライナにて準備・決定 イベント運営:代理店等に依頼(入国可能な場所でしたら企画ディレクションをお手伝いいたします。)
Proposed contents of UNIVERSALSHOT 2
✳︎The content can be simple or can be separated from events. Please consider the date and time of the end of the war as a priority.
Proposal 2: If Russia alone announces the declaration of the end of the war → Make it a tie-up declaration between endorsing countries and different fields
The "A:" part will be expressed and announced by arbitration of countries, industries, companies, and other organizations that agree with the philosophy of God's Creation in this project. In the unlikely event that there is no arbitrator for the "A:" part, we will do it.
Announcement: UNIVERSALSHOT Russia Declaration (official event)
Place:Russia (to be decided by Russia)
Date:To be decided by Russia (a few days~months after the announcement of the end of the war for preparation)
Theme: UNIVERSALSHOT - Awakening from Forgiving Love to Love of Existence to Open the Cosmic Age
Description: A festival of love and peace to celebrate the start of a new cosmic age, held as a charity event with the UNIVERSALSHOT declaration, music, and dance to unite people in unity. Kick-off of the project to build a cathedral based on the concept of God's Creation, connecting 1000 years of time, with the message of the Messiah.
Conditions for participation: complete withdrawal from Ukraine
Offer: UNIVERSALSHOT 2 content and event planning / New Industry Creation Plan provided free of charge to all participants / Elieux Eco-Level License provided to Russia (contract fee to be paid separately)
Concessions: This tie-up does not include the transfer of concessions. The concession will be managed through the creation of an organization to protect the Earth's heritage.
Invitation of participants and participating countries: Invitation by Russian side
Event audience: Russian and other countries wishing to participate
Project fee: 10,000$ for planning and preparation / 200,000$ for project tie-up / Total: 210,000$ (per country, per organization)
Decision: Decision will be made upon completion of delivery of a portion of the fee of $10,000 (to be received in Euros)
Event organization: Prepared and decided in Russia Event management: Ask an agency, etc. (We can help with planning and direction if you have special permission to enter the country.)
提案2:ロシア単独の終戦宣言発表の場合 → 賛同国と異分野とのタイアップ宣言とする
本プロジェクトの神の創造の理念に賛同いただける国や各業種・企業・その他団体の仲裁によりA:の箇所を 表明頂き、発表。万が一 A:の箇所の仲裁者がない場合は、こちらでさせていただきます。
発表:UNIVERSAL SHOOT ロシア宣言(公式イベント)
テーマ:UNIVERSAL SHOOT ー宇宙時代を拓く許す愛から存在の愛への覚醒ー
内容:新たな宇宙時代のスタートを祝福する愛と平和の祭典。UNIVERSAL SHOOT 宣言と音楽・ダンスに よる一体感のあるチャリティーイベントとして開催。メシアのメッセージとともに1000年の時をつなぐ神の 創造をコンセプトとした大聖堂建設のプロジェクトのキックオフを行う。
提供:UNIVERSAL SHOOT 2の内容とイベントの企画 / 全参加者に新産業創造プランを無償提供 / ロシア にエリュー・エコ・レベルライセンスの提供 (契約料は別途支払い)
企画使用料:企画・作成費10,000$ / プロジェクトタイアップ料200,000$ / Total:210,000$(1カ国・1団 体につき)
決定:使用料の一部10,000$ (ユーロでの受け渡しを希望)の受け渡し完了により決定
イベント開催費:ロシアにて準備・決定 イベント運営:代理店等に依頼(特別入国許可をいただけましたら企画ディレクションをお手伝いいたします。)
Proposal 2: If Russia alone announces the declaration of the end of the war → Make it a tie-up declaration between endorsing countries and different fields
The "A:" part will be expressed and announced by arbitration of countries, industries, companies, and other organizations that agree with the philosophy of God's Creation in this project. In the unlikely event that there is no arbitrator for the "A:" part, we will do it.
Announcement: UNIVERSALSHOT Russia Declaration (official event)
Place:Russia (to be decided by Russia)
Date:To be decided by Russia (a few days~months after the announcement of the end of the war for preparation)
Theme: UNIVERSALSHOT - Awakening from Forgiving Love to Love of Existence to Open the Cosmic Age
Description: A festival of love and peace to celebrate the start of a new cosmic age, held as a charity event with the UNIVERSALSHOT declaration, music, and dance to unite people in unity. Kick-off of the project to build a cathedral based on the concept of God's Creation, connecting 1000 years of time, with the message of the Messiah.
Conditions for participation: complete withdrawal from Ukraine
Offer: UNIVERSALSHOT 2 content and event planning / New Industry Creation Plan provided free of charge to all participants / Elieux Eco-Level License provided to Russia (contract fee to be paid separately)
Concessions: This tie-up does not include the transfer of concessions. The concession will be managed through the creation of an organization to protect the Earth's heritage.
Invitation of participants and participating countries: Invitation by Russian side
Event audience: Russian and other countries wishing to participate
Project fee: 10,000$ for planning and preparation / 200,000$ for project tie-up / Total: 210,000$ (per country, per organization)
Decision: Decision will be made upon completion of delivery of a portion of the fee of $10,000 (to be received in Euros)
Event organization: Prepared and decided in Russia Event management: Ask an agency, etc. (We can help with planning and direction if you have special permission to enter the country.)
提案2:ロシア単独の終戦宣言発表の場合 → 賛同国と異分野とのタイアップ宣言とする
本プロジェクトの神の創造の理念に賛同いただける国や各業種・企業・その他団体の仲裁によりA:の箇所を 表明頂き、発表。万が一 A:の箇所の仲裁者がない場合は、こちらでさせていただきます。
発表:UNIVERSAL SHOOT ロシア宣言(公式イベント)
テーマ:UNIVERSAL SHOOT ー宇宙時代を拓く許す愛から存在の愛への覚醒ー
内容:新たな宇宙時代のスタートを祝福する愛と平和の祭典。UNIVERSAL SHOOT 宣言と音楽・ダンスに よる一体感のあるチャリティーイベントとして開催。メシアのメッセージとともに1000年の時をつなぐ神の 創造をコンセプトとした大聖堂建設のプロジェクトのキックオフを行う。
提供:UNIVERSAL SHOOT 2の内容とイベントの企画 / 全参加者に新産業創造プランを無償提供 / ロシア にエリュー・エコ・レベルライセンスの提供 (契約料は別途支払い)
企画使用料:企画・作成費10,000$ / プロジェクトタイアップ料200,000$ / Total:210,000$(1カ国・1団 体につき)
決定:使用料の一部10,000$ (ユーロでの受け渡しを希望)の受け渡し完了により決定
イベント開催費:ロシアにて準備・決定 イベント運営:代理店等に依頼(特別入国許可をいただけましたら企画ディレクションをお手伝いいたします。)
A new industrial plan and cathedral construction project
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Tel +81 3 5778 7089
Please call this number for questions, applications, and consultations.
Weekday mornings 9:00-17:30
Announcements in English and Japanese (both are acceptable)
平日午前 9:00〜17:30
Tel +81 3 5778 7089
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Weekday mornings 9:00-17:30
Announcements in English and Japanese (both are acceptable)
平日午前 9:00〜17:30
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